Accidental Theatre have been working with technicians and operators from around the world and now we are opening up training to those who are interested from Ireland & the UK. The training is designed to be practical, hands on with ongoing live events. You can choose what type of training you would like to be involved with and it can work around your schedule. This is a subscription based system, meaning that you can stay involved for as long as you’d like.
Training will involve but is not limited to:
- Live streaming systems & setup
- Live streaming technology
- Live streaming best practices
- Collaborative digital technologies
- Camera techniques & filmmaking principles
- Sound design & live audio mixing
- Video editing
- Artistic collaboration
- Live vision mixing
If you would like to get involved there is a small monthly charge starting at £20 per month to join the programme.
The project will involve getting hands on experience in running, designing & setting up online events or remote production of live performances such as: Music, Theatre, Comedy, and Improv shows that are hosted in-house by Accidental.
You can train from anywhere in the country or you can join us at Accidental. Both options are available.
Venue: Accidental Theatre, 12-13 Shaftesbury Square, Belfast
To apply
More information and booking at the link below.