Black History Month Empowerment Symposium – “Levelling Up” – 15 and 22 Oct

The project is a 3-part project: Part 1 which has concluded was not open to the public as it was a workshop for facilitators who would present at the symposium. Part 2 is the Symposium itself this Black History Month which will feature professionals in various fields presenting on topics relevant to the needs of the migrant community in NI. These topics include Brexit and the impact on migrant rights ; economic empowerment (employability and entrepreneurship); social media, community cohesion; mental health; physical health; and a keynote Black History Month speaker. Part 3 will be a podcast series later in the year inspired by issues coming out of the symposium and curated to include attendees speakers from the symposium as podcast guests. The podcast series will serve to extend conversations which began at the symposium to a wider audience.

See press release at the link below

Press release

What: Symposium titled – ‘Levelling Up’
Where: Methodist College (Day 1) and Queen’s University Belfast (Day 2)
When: Saturday October 15 and Saturday October 22 from 10-5pm
Details: Free registration, line up of professional presenters, lunch and entertainment included.

artist forms link
New Belfast Community Arts Initiative trading as Community Arts Partnership is a registered charity (XR 36570) and a company limited by guarantee (Northern Ireland NI 37645).Registered with The Charity Commission as New Belfast Community Arts Initiative - NIC105169.