Wellbeing Workshops at the Restoration Installation, SARC – 31 Oct to 5 Nov

Engage in Creative Therapeutic Expression, Yoga, Mindfulness & Meditation within Restoration, a unique, trauma-informed, multidisciplinary installation at SARC: Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Sound and Music at Queen’s University Belfast.

Workshops are 2 hrs in duration and take place at the Restoration Installation a multidisciplinary, meditative installation merging spoken word, music, visual art, soundscapes and videos designed to invite you to reconnect and rejuvenate yourself. It offers insight into the healing journey of a survivor of childhood sexual trauma and domestic abuse while inviting visitors to interact with a range of prompts for creative and contemplative practice.

  1. emBODHI-ment, Unfurling Body Wisdom: October 31st.
  2. YOG-ART, Merging Yoga Asana and Creative Expression: November 1st
  3. CATH-ART-IC EXPRESSION, Letting out, letting go: Merging Yoga Asana and Creative Expression: November 2nd
  4. MANDAL-ART, Surrendering to the Earth as the Canvas: November 3rd
  5. TRANSCEN-DANCE, Embodied release: November 4th
  6. AWE-BSERVATION, Looking through the lens of gratitude: November 5th

Participants will need to have their own yoga mats however no prior yoga experience is required. A list of possible materials will be provided however no formal training will be given as the focus is on therapeutic creative expression.

The workshops are designed and facilitated by Juanita Rea, Visiting Scholar at the School of Arts, English and Languages, Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) with funding through an Arts Council Northern Ireland 2023 SIAP Award. She is also a recipient of 2 ACNI Minority Ethnic Awards (2021/2022)

Juanita is an Indian South African artist and recipient of a Global Talent Visa Endorsement from Arts Council since 2021.

She is raising funds for her visa extension due for submission by December 13th, 2024. Juanita hopes that visitors gain the benefits of being part of this Wellbeing Workshop series and is grateful for the support offered to her visa extension fundraiser.

  • SARC, Queen’s University Belfast, 4 Cloreen Park, BT9 5HN
  • Oct 31st – Nov 5th
  • 17:00 – 19:00
  • Cost: £40
  • Recommended Age:Adult

More information and booking: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wellbeing-workshops-at-the-restoration-installation-oct-31-nov-5-tickets-1018148398267

artist forms link
New Belfast Community Arts Initiative trading as Community Arts Partnership is a registered charity (XR 36570) and a company limited by guarantee (Northern Ireland NI 37645).Registered with The Charity Commission as New Belfast Community Arts Initiative - NIC105169.