Current Projects

For 2011 to 2012 Trash Fashion facilitators are working with groups outside Belfast for the first time and we are delighted to be involved with the Greenlight gateway club in Ballycastle and Fountain Street Community Development Association in Strabane. Within Belfast we are continuing some exciting cross community projects with The Centre (Cregagh) and The Blackie River Centre and also Divis and Morton Community Centres. We are also working with 168th St Andrew’s Guide Unit in North Belfast.

Greenlight Gateway

The members of the Greenlight Gateway club have decided to choose a very topical theme which is the Olympics Going for Gold which is particularly relevant to the residents as Ballycastle is on the official Olympic Flame Route! Members have been exceptionally busy over the last few months creating their Olympic themed costumes and are hoping to set a date for their fashion show very soon.

Blackie River Community Group and The Centre, Cregagh Methodist Church

Blackie and The Centre have been working together on a range of themes and earlier in the year embarked on a field trip to the Ulster Museum for some inspiration:

The two groups have settled on a range of themes from the Titanic to Olympics to Cupcakes and have been working very hard on their costumes throughout the workshops:

Divis Community Centre and Morton Community Centre

As part of our paired cross community groups, children from the Divis and Morton Community Centres have enjoyed a series or workshops and have devised an array of themes from Pirates to Pixies. The children have had complete ownership over their costumes and have really excelled not only in their craft but in sheer imagination. Photos from their fashion show will be posted soon.


It’s very good for the kids and brings them out of themselves especially if they’re a bit timid!” – Parent of participant

The kids have done really well making the outfits, my wee girl would make puppets at home but its nothing like what they’ve made… she’s really enjoyed it and the costumes have turned out lovely!” – Parent of participant.

St Andrews 168th Guides

St Andrew’s in North Belfast have chosen the Diamond Jubliee and the Olympics as their themes and have been creating some fantastic outfits for their Fashion Show following the end of their project. Costumes include a range of fabrics and materials and some girls have been using some inventive techniques for example netting.

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New Belfast Community Arts Initiative trading as Community Arts Partnership is a registered charity (XR 36570) and a company limited by guarantee (Northern Ireland NI 37645).Registered with The Charity Commission as New Belfast Community Arts Initiative - NIC105169.