Masque Update – April 2012

Saints Youth Club, Twinbrook, have been working their wee socks off with artist Janis and leader Maria making a large scale puppet to adorn their rather large and colourful centre.

saintsa  saintsb  saintsc

As you can see by the finished product, the work was well worth it! We at CAP head quarters can’t help but see a resemblance between the puppet and its maker…can you?


Glenveagh School have had a non stop whirlwind tour of the continents during their art sessions with artist Claire Brown, visiting Africa, South America and China.

  glenveaghb  glenveagha  glenveaghc

The day I visited it was the week before St Patrick’s Day and the classroom was full of a mighty green mess…that must have been our visit to Europe!

glenveaghd  glenveaghe

Ledley Hall and Marrowbone continue to come together and wreak havoc in our CAP workspace, but to look at these girls, you’d think butter wouldn’t melt tin their mouths!

ledleya  ledleyb  ledleyc

Well done to the two groups, and leaders Joe and Coleen, it was a lot of hard work but we got there in the end! We’ll be meeting up later on in May for a dress rehearsal before the Big Fashion Show.

Cliftonville Community Centre’s After School Project couldn’t quite make up their minds which art form they wanted to work within, so decided on a taster programme of dance, with our friend Sheena Bleakney, drumming, with Matt Vernon (Beat Carnival artist and musician), and visual arts with a multi cultural theme, with Ali Fell and Kirsty McGuinness (Seedhead Arts). So far the group have had the noisiest sessions with Sheena and Matt, for the full experience watch the clip below!

artist forms link
New Belfast Community Arts Initiative trading as Community Arts Partnership is a registered charity (XR 36570) and a company limited by guarantee (Northern Ireland NI 37645).Registered with The Charity Commission as New Belfast Community Arts Initiative - NIC105169.