The Landmarks project for 2012-13 has now commenced with Clare and her team of artists working with the following community groups:
Ards Community Arts Network has recently been set up as an independent community arts association. The main aim of ACAN is to support and develop community arts activities throughout the Ards area.
Armoy Community Association addresses social, economic and environmental issues and places a large emphasis on community relations and the group have a great deal of cross community work. They have just completed a public art project using different silk painting techniques.
Strabane LGBT enables LGBT individuals to challenge attitudes and policies which obstruct their full participation in society.
Include Youth works to promote and protect the rights and best interests of disadvantaged and vulnerable young people.
Newstart Education Centre promotes young peoples’ reengagement in education and training to realise their potential and improve their life opportunities and choices. The multidisciplinary team works at enabling young people to re-engage with education and become independent, gain employability skills and to integrate in the local communities.
Friends of Grove Park is a group who maintain and promote Grove park with local people dedicated to caring for and improving the Grove Park. Activities include organising a community garden, local events in the park, fundraising and helping shape the future development of Grove Park.
New Start are involved in a cross community process this year and have kicked off initial sessions with their project artist David Cunningham. They began with their own identity through self portraiture. Working from a black charcoal page they slowly rubbed away parts to reveal light and shade unveiling their facial features. Then came the clay work transforming the two dimensional images into relief sculpture portraits. These developmental sessions are leading up to some joint sessions with Include Youth over the next month so watch this space!