Jemma Logan answers Community Arts Partnership’s questions this week
Can you recall your first artistic experience?
Its hard to remember what my first artistic experience was as my mum and dad encouraged creativity from an early age. Our home was always full of paints and drawings on the wall.
What motivates you to continue with your artistic activities now?
My main motivation is my love for craft and being able to share my skills with others. I have learnt so much from working in the community and with other artists through trading ideas and methods of making.
How would you describe the work that you are doing now?
The work I am currently making is hand embroidery, influenced by my own illustrations. I like to use the threads as a different way of drawing and telling a story. I also combine collage with my embroidery or stitch into paper.
Are there any barriers which stifle your ability to pursue your career in the arts?
The small number of jobs available for artists in Northern Ireland, some months you might get a lot of work offers and other times not a lot. So I suppose its the lack of steady income that has been the most difficult.
You are a community artist – how did your activities in local communities come about?
After I graduated from University I wanted to get involved with all areas of the arts and crafts by joining various groups. One organisation I got involved with and still work with is ArtsEkta. They employ artists for various cross community, multicultural and inter-generational projects. I started working with them 3 years ago and have met some wonderful people.
Have you any experiences with Community Arts Partnership – if so could you say a little bit about them
I use the Community Arts Partnership website to keep up to date with community arts news and available jobs. The website is great, easy to use with lots of up to date news and opportunities.
Have you worked in areas of social and economic deprivation and if so any thoughts on the arts in those areas. ?
I think that art projects in areas of deprivation are positive steps towards a healthier environment. Bringing together people from different backgrounds and beliefs and encouraging communication between these people is a step in the right direction even if it is about paint or stitches.