Culture Arts and Leisure Committee’s report in to Inclusion in the Arts of Working Class Communities Response

The Culture Arts and Leisure Committee has released the report from the Inquiry into the Inclusion in the Arts of Working Class Communities.

Nearly two years after the Inquiry was launched, the report puts forward a series of recommendations most of which – 20 out of the 22 – are put forward as suggestions for the Department of Culture Arts and Leisure’s Strategy for Arts and Culture 2016-2026, the consultation for which closed recently.

Our submission to that inquiry can be found at the following link

Community Arts Partnership Response DCAL 2016 (PDF)

CAP’s Submission

The original terms of reference, set forward below, informed Community Arts Partnership’s submission to the committee’s inquiry, our Chief Executive and Chair gave evidence to the committee also, and it is noticeable that much of what CAP put forward is recognised in the Committee’s report.

We suggested that the arts were essential to the general well-being of our society and that increasing access and participation had to be a government priority.

See our initial response at the link below

CAL Committee releases Inquiry report (DOC)

artist forms link
New Belfast Community Arts Initiative trading as Community Arts Partnership is a registered charity (XR 36570) and a company limited by guarantee (Northern Ireland NI 37645).Registered with The Charity Commission as New Belfast Community Arts Initiative - NIC105169.