The development of any work of art seldom happens overnight and the skillset that is required to support and facilitate its production in all likelihood was developed over years of training, with trials and tribulations along the way. Creating something that synthesises purposeful design, elegance in execution and depth in messages and meaning remains the challenge that faces all artists and arts facilitators, from whatever discipline. Even the stand-up comedian, seemingly “winging it” conversationally may well have honed her apparently throw away patter through years of blood, sweat and gigs. Seldom do we attach value to things that we attain easily. And in a world where more and more becomes less and less valued, and increasingly disposable, cherishing our arts and the skills, talents and processes sustaining them for the benefit of current and future generations becomes more crucial. The arts, that have created the “soundtracks of our lives” across every medium, not just music, have been our constant companion, reflecting and indeed amplifying who we are as individuals and communities and reminded us time and again of what it is to be human – the joy, the grief, the ecstasy, the tragedy, the beauty and the sheer endurance.