These photographs show the creation and development of a ceramic piece which was unveiled in the memorial park in the Doury Road Estate, in memory of Sonia McGuckin last week.
Sonia was the chairperson of the first residents group in the estate and she sadly passed away some time ago. The art was created in her memory by members of the Doury Road Residents Association and Hope House, who are all based in the estate.
These groups came together during recent weeks and participated on a project offered by CAP, under the skilful eye of ceramic artist, Diane McCormick. Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Mid and East Antrim Borough Council William McNeilly, attended a gathering, as David McGuckin, unveiled the artwork.
This beautiful piece of artwork adds colour to the memorial garden, which is already an oasis in the area. It is especially strong because it was created by those who live in the local community, who have a special person in mind. This was a new experience for these artistic participants and their achievements have exceeded their expectations, giving everyone a real sense of pride.
The work features a large, colourful, ceramic elephant which is surrounded by smaller elephants.This theme was chosen as the animals were a favourite of Sonia’s.
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