A short film from Cornstore Youth Club, Draperstown

A local to the area Stevie Noonan, of Carn Media, delivered a 15-hour filmmaking process to a group of eleven 11-13 year olds. The participants learnt skills in filmmaking, sound recording and direction. They made 3 films exploring personal and local history of the area and their opinions of where they live, their future aspirations and dreams.

Here are the films all condensed into one.  Enjoy.

About Cornstore Youth Club

The Cornstore Youth Club, Draperstown provides a safe place for young people and positive activities and events for them including skills such as first aid classes, fitness training, dance, arts and crafts to help to build young people’s confidence and self-esteem.

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New Belfast Community Arts Initiative trading as Community Arts Partnership is a registered charity (XR 36570) and a company limited by guarantee (Northern Ireland NI 37645).Registered with The Charity Commission as New Belfast Community Arts Initiative - NIC105169.