Bruce White is the Artist/Facilitator working with the Ardmore Project. Their centre is a busy building set on the banks of Lough Neagh, Derryadd, Craigavon. Their Landmarks project is just past the halfway mark now.
The collective approach on this CAP project is a new direction for most of the participants as they usually work on individual pieces. The painters have decided to bring their work together, allowing a visual collective narrative about the centre and the surrounding area within a single finished piece.
Their artwork represents the Ardmore community hall, a large number of locations, images and activities associated with the area. They want to convey something of the shape of the landscape, through the sense of perspective, considered colour and detail to bring all of the pieces together.
One member brought in lots of David Hockney Images. He showed them to the group, who considered how Hockney uses repeating colours to tie multiple separate paintings together. This approach also influences the work. Another participant suggested sourcing some reclaimed timber to mount all the pieces. They are looking forward to seeing the end result.
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