TRASH Fashion creates a buzz of excitement for the Christmas festivities

This was a project designed to involve all the children of Bleary Community – The Bleary Community Group big Christmas Tree Switch on event on Friday 1st December 2017

There were four Trash fashion, two hour workshops facilitated each week by CAP artists.

The group had decided they would like make accessories to wear that would be useful and keep the children warm at the upcoming event.

So CAP artist, Heather Douglas got the little Bleary elves to work very hard each week, and low and behold – with a sprinkle of Christmas magic, Reindeer hats, Elf scarves and Glitter snowman back packs were born – a Trash fashion special.

But of course The little Bleary Elves were missing something?

Ah ha! Thought Heather, sure no Christmas Tree event would be complete without CAP artist, Sally Young’s wonderful Christmas lantern making workshop .

Now our little Bleary Elves have lanterns to light the way to the Christmas Tree lights switch on.

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Did you spot our little Bleary Elves at the event wearing their Reindeer hats and carrying Christmas lanterns, if you did why not tag your photos to our Facebook page

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New Belfast Community Arts Initiative trading as Community Arts Partnership is a registered charity (XR 36570) and a company limited by guarantee (Northern Ireland NI 37645).Registered with The Charity Commission as New Belfast Community Arts Initiative - NIC105169.