Take Heart and Make Art

There has never been such a time as this in living memory. The impact of Coronavirus is being felt in every home, on every street, in every corner of the world. All of us are anxious for those we love and the lives we lead. We may all be fearful too but we are hopeful for better days. We acknowledge the hard work of those who help us and those who endure great suffering and loss.

The creative team at CAP are asking you to help us show our love, our humanity and our resilience and at the same pay tribute to the memory of those taken before their time.

Using the symbolic shape of the heart, we are asking our participants, poets, artists, communities and indeed the public to “Take Heart and Make Art”. Make an image of the heart, include in it your heart-felt thoughts, words and images – you might write a poem, make a collage, crochet some scene, create a mosaic – whatever it may be, large or small, make your artwork in the shape of a heart and take a photo of it and then please send it to us at:


Please, hold onto your precious artwork, treasure it because we want to collect them all from you and build a unifying work of all our hearts that shows the world our love, our humanity and our resilience. We will endeavour to have this large scale art work situated in a prominent public place at some point in the future and we will offer whatever help we can, remotely at first, to assist you in taking part.

In the meantime, we will feature a digital presentation online on our website of all your work, credited to you, that will build day-by-day, week-by-week, month by month.


Take heart

Make art

from everyone at Community Arts Partnership

Jemima is Taking Heart

View the current submissions here

artist forms link
New Belfast Community Arts Initiative trading as Community Arts Partnership is a registered charity (XR 36570) and a company limited by guarantee (Northern Ireland NI 37645).Registered with The Charity Commission as New Belfast Community Arts Initiative - NIC105169.