Create your own kitchen percussion set from equipment you’ll find at home! During lockdown, we’ve been looking at ways to help children access musical activities and educational projects as we can’t bring workshops and activities into schools and the community. This time last year we were starting to rehearse our specially commissioned children’s opera, The Chronic Identity Crisis of Pamplemousse composed by Greg Caffrey, which toured every county in Northern Ireland.
We thought we’d use Pamplemousse as our launchpad for a range of different projects, activities, interviews and quizzes which we’ll be rolling out regularly over the next few weeks until life begins to get back to normal for our schoolchildren. Pamplemousse featured a particularly wide and unusual range of percussion instruments and Cathryn Lynch, a member of the Hard Rain Soloists Ensemble who performed on stage with the opera singers, has cooked up some ideas to build your own percussion set from easy-to-find kitchen equipment. Apologies in advance to parents and guardians, though we hope you will be pleasantly surprised at the rhythms and tunes your charges will be able to put together.
Click here to watch Cathryn Lynch cook up some tunes with percussion made from kitchen equipment.
Click here to find out more about The Chronic Identity of Pamplemousse our 2019 opera for children.
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