The documentary, “Don’t stop the music,” concentrates on the work of Mr Naoyuki Mouri, a musician who believes that music has transformative powers which can make a difference to people’s lives and who set up the C and S Music School. The school works with students who don’t quite fit into mainstream education. The school also deals with the question of bullying and students mental health. They have produced a number of very popular musicians iin Jaoan. The documentory looks into the lives of some of the students and shows how the school and music has improved their lives. Darren Ferguson, founder of the peacebuilidng orrganisation, Beyond Skin, appears in the film.
He said, “I think one thing that I take from working with the C and S Music School is that we need to work on increasing shared education locally and perhaps look at having arts and music feature much more centrally in our education curriculum.”