Dreamachine Survey

Dreamachine have just launched The Perception Census: a new scientific study into the unique ways in which we each experience the world around us. The organisation is anticipating for this to be the largest scientific study on perceptual diversity ever undertaken but they need our help to realise this vision! If enough people take part, through this project they have the power to transform our understanding of how and why we each experience the world differently.

The study is made up of fun interactive tasks that cover 10 different topics and will be released in three waves over the coming weeks.

Please see the first of the three waves with the Fundamentals of Perception, alongside three additional topics of Sound and Music, Time and Body and Beliefs. The more sections you finish, the more we’ll discover about the fascinating diversity of our minds.

Please can you help support this launch by:

  • Signing up and completing the first section “The Fundamentals of Perception” from your desktop or laptop computer: dreamachine.world/perceptioncensus
  • Posting about The Perception Census from your social channels to encourage others to take part too

Link to Dreamachine information and Booking: nisciencefestival.com/events/dreamachine-unboxed-2022

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New Belfast Community Arts Initiative trading as Community Arts Partnership is a registered charity (XR 36570) and a company limited by guarantee (Northern Ireland NI 37645).Registered with The Charity Commission as New Belfast Community Arts Initiative - NIC105169.