The Monthly talks to local writer and poet Raquel McKee about her new project Colourscope

When did you set up Colourscope?

Colourscope is my rebranded business name since 2021. I have always worked for the good of my community as well as for artistic development. Under Colourscope I am seeking to do both with a social outreach called Words 4… which allows wordsmiths to help me raise funds for people in need.

Raquel McKee

Why did you set up Words 4…?

Earlier this year I came across a viral video highlighting the need of a Jamaican boy who was a conscientious worker but whose parents struggled to afford to send him to school (education is not free in all schools in Jamaica. ) and during the pandemic resorted to offering him a single sweet (candy) as dinner and could not afford the devices needed for remote learning or other things like ingredients for cookery. I recognised that this was a reality for many more than just him and I wanted to help. Colourscope’s Words 4… School Needs was born out of that.

What kinds of things will Colourscope’s Words 4… do?

The next Words 4… will be raising funds for the Nyle Stewart Memorial Fund in November in memory of my nephew Nyle who died mid way through his studies. The fund offers two scholarships. Words 4… Will be helping to raise funds for that. I could see Words 4… supporting children in need of operations who don’t have the privilege of an NHS. Time will tell what else…watch this space!

artist forms link
New Belfast Community Arts Initiative trading as Community Arts Partnership is a registered charity (XR 36570) and a company limited by guarantee (Northern Ireland NI 37645).Registered with The Charity Commission as New Belfast Community Arts Initiative - NIC105169.