What was the motivation behind setting up Colourscope?
Colourscope came about when I decided to future-proof and rebrand my business in 2021. It captures the vitality, diversity and the essence of my character but is more inclusive of my outputs – poetry, storytelling, theatre, social enterprise etc – than Rainbow Storytelling was.
Is Rainbow Storytelling still in existence or is Colourscope your main focus?
Nope. Out with the old, in with the new! Colourscope is the name to remember, and of course within it, Words 4… through which I seek to do my bit for others.

Does Words 4… have an international orientation or will there be local activities?
Words 4… so far has been international in its orientation, but that is not written in stone. Time will tell. What I can tell you is that the next Words 4… event will be on 4th November. I will be partnering with GBI Logistics who sponsored my poetry exhibition in the Linen Hall Library in 2019 and we will be raising funds for the Nyle Stewart Memorial Fund in memory of my nephew Nyle who died mid-way through his studies. The fund offers two scholarships. Words 4… will be helping to raise funds for those. Recipients for both scholarships so far have been hardworking students who have demonstrated the kind of focus that Nyle typified. On 4th November we will get to meet one (or maybe both) of last year’s recipients,and perhaps they will articulate the impact of the scholarship on their life. The main attraction, though, will be the local and international writers who will share their work with our online audience
What are the art forms which you will be looking to showcase as part of Colourscope’s Words 4… events?
As the host artist, my poetry will always be present. (At the last Word 4.. event, supporters got to enjoy one of my exclusive poetry videos which cannot be found on my YouTube Channel). But it is deliberately left open for wordsmiths of all genres. Poets, songwriters, prose writers, journalists could all feature on Words 4… fundraisers. Of course, those who underwrite causes are more than welcome to write numbers!
And the key numbers for that are Starling Bank 60-83-71 (Colourscope) 57546204. But we would love to see supporters at the online event on Friday 4th November at 7 pm so look out for the eventbrite details in October.