The Monthly interviews Community Arts Partnership intern and animator, Anthony May

Have you always been interested in art?

Yes, I have always been interested in art generally and I would draw at home.

How did you end up working on animation?

I decided I would learn a new skill during Lockdown and I tried out animation. I worked on a piece of art, I experimented, I worked on the movements of the characters I had drawn and then I taught myself to use Ibis Paint X. I would screen shoot everything and then work on the animation process. .I crop each video to create a movement illusion and I also use VN Video Editor to add sound and assemble it all together.

You taught yourself animation then?

Yes, and when I showed the work to other people they were all pretty amazed by my ability to produce an animated story. I have been working on my animations for about 2 years now and each one takes me a few months to complete.

Do you go to school or college?

Yes, this is my fourth year at SERC – South Eastern regional College in Lisburn.

Do you work on animation at college?

No. this is something I do by myself. I am working on a couple of new projects at the moment and I hope to have new work completed in the next few months

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New Belfast Community Arts Initiative trading as Community Arts Partnership is a registered charity (XR 36570) and a company limited by guarantee (Northern Ireland NI 37645).Registered with The Charity Commission as New Belfast Community Arts Initiative - NIC105169.