CAP and the Good Relations Awards 2023 Haiku – Commendations

As part of the Good Relations Awards 2023, CAP asked writers to create haiku based on the values of Good Relations. A QR code was placed on the back of each award, linking to written and recorded pieces by poets Anita Gracey, Helena Stuart, Marion Clarke and PJ McCurdie.

In addition, CAP wished to highly commend the following writers who participated as part of this process. Example of their haiku are below:


Heather Fleming

I bring her tablets

through pain she reaches and smiles

warm hand touching mine


Florence Heyhoe

dividing the rubbish

into coloured bins

loving the earth


Jane McComb “Walking”

take my arm and walk

I will be your eyes today

guide you from lockdown


John Caulfield

different voices

scattered over fertile soil

bring forth harmony


Kathleen McCracken “Irpin”

on the collapsed bridge

survivors ferry elders,

infants, the unborn


Lucy Beevor

in the steady rain

sharing an umbrella

walking the other home


Therese Kieran “Support Group”

mothers nod,

each one tells the same tale,

with moist eyes, we listen

artist forms link
New Belfast Community Arts Initiative trading as Community Arts Partnership is a registered charity (XR 36570) and a company limited by guarantee (Northern Ireland NI 37645).Registered with The Charity Commission as New Belfast Community Arts Initiative - NIC105169.