The proposed £1.3 million cut to Arts Council Northern Ireland funding has already put the jobs of hundreds of creative workers at risk. You must reverse this proposal.
Cutting arts funding during a cost of living crisis would be economically and socially irresponsible. With inflation running to double digits, a 10% cut to all Arts Council Northern Ireland projects across the board isn’t just a 10% cut. It’s double that in real terms. That puts jobs at risk. And it puts investment into local communities at risk too. Cutting culture funding now is economically illiterate. We need more investment, not less.
Investing in culture means investing in strong community relations, better health and social care outcomes, and a more robust economy.
Making this decision without proper democratic oversight would not be acceptable. This proposal must be reversed.
Creative Workers Demand Better – Save the Arts, Resist the Cuts
Why is this important?
Arts and culture jobs in Northern Ireland are at risk. The Department for Communities has formally advised Arts Council Northern Ireland that it faces a funding reduction, translating to a 10% cut to all funded arts organisations in North Ireland. This means that planned performances and community projects are already at risk.
This decision would be made without democratic scrutiny, whilst Stormont isn’t sitting.
The evidence is clear that investing in the arts boosts the economy, supports mental health, physical health, social wellbeing, and community cohesion.
And in a cost of living crisis, this is a deep cut. We need more investment not less.
Sign this petition to call on the Permanent Secretary at the Department for Communities to reverse this proposal.