Resist The Cuts

Message from Conor Shields

“Having supported and contributed to campaigns fighting cuts over the last 25 years, I welcome Equity taking the lead and kickstarting this Resist The Cuts petition and initiative. 
For too long, the Arts here have been underfunded and undermined. Now, with many organisations in an already precarious position, any cut could have very negative consequences but decimating the sectors funding would ensure job losses, loss of talent and much reduced opportunities for creativity. 
Having convened the ArtsMatterNI campaign over the years, I know how finely balanced the Arts are… and as a community of makers and producers, our livelihoods are on the line. 
I would urge everyone who has enjoyed publicly funded arts, from schools and community programmes, in health care settings or youth clubs, big theatres or wee stages in your local arts centre, everyone should sign the petition and fight for the arts. This proposed cut is an attack on our whole community, not just those who work in the creative sector.” 


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New Belfast Community Arts Initiative trading as Community Arts Partnership is a registered charity (XR 36570) and a company limited by guarantee (Northern Ireland NI 37645).Registered with The Charity Commission as New Belfast Community Arts Initiative - NIC105169.