Where to now?
I have just finished “Forever Eighty-Eights”. It has been out for about a year, and that was the pulling together of everything I had which was available to be housed in a full collection.
In the book, I have visited most of the ghosts of my childhood: the joys, the griefs, the people who have gone, so I have detailed pretty much who I was. I guess any next collection might be more about who I have become. My life is very different now. I am a professional; I am a mother; I’m happily married; I own a house for the first time … maybe more of ‘today’ will emerge in any new poems.
However, I do know that I want to chase the shadow of my stepfather out of my work, although he has just passed, and that might bring some thoughts to the surface. There is a book I feel called to write which will likely involve a deep dive back again, a sequence lurking under the given title, “Household”. But I’m not sure if I have the stomach for that right now.
To find out more about the work of Molly Rice see the following link – www.mollyrice.com/home