CAP’s CEO Conor Shields’ – Introduction to the “Write Where We Belong” Anthology

Poetry in Motion, over the last 24 years, has done its best to offer as many as possible the opportunity not only to value the art of writing and enjoying poetry, but to recognise that all of us can develop these skills and offer our own view of the world through the images and phrases thatwe create.

In ‘Write Where We Belong,’ we can appreciate so much of the lives of our younger poets, our next generations of not only artists but our leaders, educators, carers and workers. We can hear the significance of so much, offering insights into family and home, into friendship and passions. We can even appreciate the issues and concerns for this generation in a troubled world.

And over the last ten years, the work of our young poets has been recognised and endorsed by Marie Heaney, the late Nobel Laureate’s widow. She has commented : “I know Seamus would be so pleased to be honoured and remembered in this way”.

The 10th anniversary of the Seamus Heaney Awards for Achievement gives additional recognition to the ambition and creativity of so many young poets, to encourage confidence and self-expression. Liam Hannaway, chair of the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, has commented that: “The Community Arts Partnership is the lead network organisation for the development of community arts across Northern Ireland; and their invaluable work enables and encourages the widest possible range of opportunities for people and groups and communities to engage fully with the arts and to develop their creative skills.”

As we enter our 25th year of operations, Community Arts Partnership offers our profound thanks to the Arts Council as our principal funder, for their continuing investment in our mission and in so doing, supporting participation in the arts across our schools, and our diverse communities.

We also thank Belfast City Council for its continuing support and indeed, we welcome the assistance of all our funders, sponsors and donors.

This year, we pay particular tribute to our friend and colleague Dr. Shelley Tracey, who is moving on from our programme. Shelley worked as a poet-facilitator in schools since 2012 before becoming our Literature and Verbal Arts Co-ordinator in 2018. Over that time, she has made an invaluable contribution to the lives of so many young people and enabled schools up and down the country to appreciate the power of poetry. Her colleagues, friends and participating teachers will undoubtedly miss her patient insight and generous support.

And thank you Diane Morrison and Steven Tunley for all your hard work in supporting the collation and production of the anthology. And we are, as ever, indebted to the generous creativity and dedication of all our poet-facilitators who guide pupils and assist our hard-working teachers through the Poetry in Motion process.

And perhaps, as we look at the world today and the terrible circumstances that so many children across the globe suffer and endure through war, famine and disease, we should cherish these sincere messages from our young people all the more.

Conor Shields


Community Arts Partnership

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New Belfast Community Arts Initiative trading as Community Arts Partnership is a registered charity (XR 36570) and a company limited by guarantee (Northern Ireland NI 37645).Registered with The Charity Commission as New Belfast Community Arts Initiative - NIC105169.