Last month MiaaW completed a three part mini-series and asked for responses. It was surprising that the responses did not propose digital tools but enquired about a comment in the show notes here at
MIAAW noted that “Rather oddly he does not mention Todoist at all despite the fact that it sits at the heart of his attempts to stay organised. He obviously didn’t stay organised long enough to remember to talk about it.”
Tell us more about Todoist, you asked, and ask Owen to explain about his attempts to stay organised.
In this episode, which you can think of as a surprise appendix, Owen Kelly explains some more about his personal organisation. He uses a simplified version of David Allen’s Getting Things Done system, and uses the ToDoist app as the repository for all his tasks. He also uses it to turn tasks into calendar events which he then stores in CalDav calendars on his NextCloud server where they sync to all his digital devices.