So you followed up the first play with a second?
Yes I wrote a play with two characters and there were two actors, Christine Nelson and Roisin Gallagher, she’s doing really well now, acted in that play.
Why the theatre? Why plays?
I have always loved performing all the way back to when I was in school. I went to a Grammar School, I was the only one from my area who passed the 11 plus. I really didn’t fit in to the way the school was, but I would always stay back to see if I could get a part in a play. One teacher did tell me that I had the airs of a true actress.
I used to go to see plays and think that was what I wanted to do, but I had four kids so there wasn’t much opportunity.
You come to writing later in life?
Yes. My opportunities came much later in life, when I was in my fifties.
I find plays very easy to write. The four plays I have written have almost all the same characters and it is very much in my voice. And I do love performing.
How do you move forward?
I had a very bad fall in Spain and experienced concussion and trauma and was laid up in bed for a little while. I wasn’t able to write. I couldn’t even think about writing.
What happens then?
I managed to start writing again and I am coming back with a new play and I will be performing again soon.
If you would like to look into the work of Patricia Gormley see the following link –